Sunday, September 7, 2008

Just dial 1-800-UTERUS

I talked to my little niece or nephew today, through the wall of my sister's belly that is. I thought he/she should hear the sound of the person who will surely be the coolest aunt. I will also be the person he/she will be able to come to when their mother gets all "mother" on them. Since my sister is JUST LIKE my mother, I'm sure Aunt Amany will be called upon frequently.

I also get to go to my sister's next doctor's appointment; she thinks that we'll be able to find out the gender of the little one. That will be exciting. If it is a boy, Julia says they're naming him Noah; it will be Layla if it is a girl. Julia asked what we all thought of her name choices; of course I had to be honest. Noah - I told my sister - would not be on my short list.

Of all the names in the world: NOAH?????
I'm sure the baby will be gorgeous!! I can't wait to babysit and whatnot.


Laura said...

I like both names! Noah is a great name.

Marcey said...

Julia is pregnant?! I am so excited for your family. Tell her I said congratulations. Also, let her know she will have to stop all that drinking:) I like Noah, but I'm not crazy about it. Aren't there any nice traditional Palestinian names she can use? I love ethinic names.