Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Babies are the greatest

I love babies. I love the feel of their oh-so-soft skin, the smell that they have that I can't exactly identify, but you know it when you get big whiff and the way they are just so innocent. My heart doesn't respond to too many things, but it absolutely bursts when I look into the face of a baby and get a look of absolute adoration and a smile that could melt stone.

I got to play with little Jacob -- whose mother is in one of my classes -- yesterday before class. Jacob is just over a year old and as cute as almost anything. His mother is part Vietnamese and Chinese and his dad is good ol' American, so his eyes have a twinge of an almond shape, his hair is a flowing brown and his skin has just the right amount of color. As if that wasn't enough, little Jacob has so much personality.

I convinced Jacob's mother to let him out of his stroller for a while so he could play with me; that sounded a heck of a lot better than cramming for a medical terminology quiz. Jacob got out of that stroller and was a bundle of released energy. And the best part was that he wasn't afraid of me. Playing with that adorable little boy was so good for me.

I pray all the time that God will bless me with a child (or children); I also pray that God brings me the perfect partner to share a child with.

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