Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Where are my glasses?

I just had the best Popsicle!!!!!!!!! It was cherry and lime and sugar-free. It was so good. I love a good sugar-free Popsicle on hot day. It was definitely hot and humid today.

I have a massive headache; I'm guessing my head is aching so because I started school yesterday and I've been doing some hardcore studying. I believe my brain is using some parts that maybe I haven't used in quite a while. (Maybe I should wear my glasses.) I hope and pray that this headache goes away!!!
I got lots of studying done today for my anatomy/physiology class. The professor said that we could have unannounced quizzes, so I want to be prepared.

1 comment:

Laura said...

I am not sure where your glasses are but I can't recall having seen you in them for that matter! You better start wearing them with all that studying!