Saturday, August 30, 2008

John McCain did what?

I have got to cut back on the caffeine!!!!!!! My lower back is killing me and I know that caffeine is the culprit. Since I'm a big baby who loves diet soda, cutting back is going to be difficult. It's either that or this horrible back pain.

I've had a day to take it all in. By it, I mean the fact that Republican presidential nominee John McCain chose the female governor of A-L-A-S-K-A to be his vice-presidential running mate. OK, who the hell, aside from those in Alaska, has ever heard of this woman? And what the hell does she know about being a vice president? Her claim to fame: a former television reporter, ATV store owner, mother and wife.

I want to know what this woman is going to bring to the game.

I swear, this is just one knee-jerk thing that McCain is doing in the hopes of getting the female vote. The motive is soooooooooooooo transparent. This just frightens me because it is the only beginning of other stupid things that McCain could do. God help us all. Eight years of Bush has been horrible enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can just picture Mit Romney sitting in his mansion cursing up a storm wondering why he was selected.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Do you hear that? It's the sweet sound of silence.

I love living alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Coming home after a long day and not having to talk to anyone is so nice sometimes!!!
Don't get me wrong, I hope to some day come home to some wonderful man. Until then, I will enjoy the hell out of coming home to the peace of my house. I don't have to worry about any polite chit-chat or doing anything for anyone. It's great! I can watch whatever I want on TV and change the channel any time I want.

If I don't want to clean the bathroom for two weeks, then I don't have to. I can leave my dirty towels on the floor and step over them all week if I want.

There's nothing like peace and quiet.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Where are my glasses?

I just had the best Popsicle!!!!!!!!! It was cherry and lime and sugar-free. It was so good. I love a good sugar-free Popsicle on hot day. It was definitely hot and humid today.

I have a massive headache; I'm guessing my head is aching so because I started school yesterday and I've been doing some hardcore studying. I believe my brain is using some parts that maybe I haven't used in quite a while. (Maybe I should wear my glasses.) I hope and pray that this headache goes away!!!
I got lots of studying done today for my anatomy/physiology class. The professor said that we could have unannounced quizzes, so I want to be prepared.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

My brain hurts

Today was such a good day in the way of my big return to college. I'm very excited. I'm taking human anatomy & physiology, and medical terminology. Both of my professors speak clear English and teach in a way that I can understand!!!!! This may seem small, but after having a professor whom I couldn't understand, it really means a lot to me!!!!!!!!!!!!

My anatomy professor is making every effort to make the material very easy to understand. I think that is awesome!!!

My medical terminology professor is friggin hilarious, and she seems to be a good teacher. She seems so easy-going that I'm not nutting up about having a quiz or test during each class.

Thank God I got the books ahead of time and started the reading!!!

Oh, and I talked to many of the other students in my classes, which just makes the entire experience soooooooooooooooo much better.

I wish, the first time I was in college, that I had the self-confidence that I do now when it comes to talking to other people and just being self-assured in group settings. Getting some life experience is wonderful. I wish that could be bottled and sold.

Monday, August 25, 2008

God is watching over me!

Tomorrow is the big day when I'll venture back out into the big world of college again. I'm nervous, but I'll get over it. I'll have to. I'm a big girl; I'll put my big girl panties on and do the damn thing -- God-willing. I'm definitely going to need God by my side during my times of adversity.

God has been with me all along, including during one of the toughest times of my life. If not for God, I'm convinced that something very bad would have happened. But I'm convinced that God was watching over me and continues to watch over me. Sure, I do things to screw things up, but I know that God is always guiding me.

I think we as humans learn so much with age. I continue to learn about how we're not supposed to have everything that we want, and things aren't always supposed to come easily. God just has such a magical way of making things the way they are supposed to be and helping us stubborn humans be patient and tolerant.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Solid like a rock

My pounding head doesn't begin to indicate the day I've had. I am mentally and physically exhausted. It's totally exhausting being everybody's rock. It's also rough being the referee for family members. Listening to my mother nag about my sisters and visa versa is friggin exhausting. I guess the thing that is more exhausting is that no one ever asks me how I'm doing. I mean I know that I put off this tough exterior and whatnot, but I'm not always as tough as everyone seems to think.

Whatever. I guess I'll just keep on keepin' on.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

What is this happy thing people speak of?

Another long day, another long day closer to my goal: To be happy.
I often wonder what happiness really is and just how many people experience such a thing.
I mean are people supposed to be happy all of the time, or is it something that comes in and out of one's life?
I don't know.

I discovered today that I'm going to have to start spending some time with a wider variety of people. I think that will enable me to be a better person. I'm going to make an extra effort to reach out and find people who challenge me and enable me to learn more about myself and who better me.

God help me!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Holla if you're busy

Gosh . . . I have been so busy today. It has been one thing after another. Currently, I'm in the middle of baking red velvet cupcakes for a friend's birthday, doing laundry, vaccuming stairs, washing dishes and sweating like a fat girl writing her first love letter. Fortunately I have the girls keeping me company. By girls I mean Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte and Samantha of Sex and the City fame. The girls have kept me company on many occassions when I've had things to do and couldn't plop down in front of the television.

Whew . . . The cupcakes are out of the oven and now cooling. White creamy frosting with red crystal sprinkles on top. Yum. Too bad I'm not eating sugar this week.

Anyhoo, I'm going to my friend Marcey's house for a belated birthday party tomorrow. I'm the worst kind of friend; Marcey's birthday was on Aug. 8 and I completely forgot. I was mortified when she informed me. These better be some damn good cupcakes.

Oh, and like the day wasn't stressful enough. I destroyed a Mountain Dew display at the Walmart. That destruction included a 24-packing falling on me and cans bursting. Did anyone help me? Of course not. They did, however, stare. It was almost as horrifying as the time I fell in Kroger while wearing a skirt. Only me.


Thursday, August 21, 2008

Please God, send me a good man

I am mentally exhausted!!!! I'm in the homestretch of my period and I think ol' Mother Nature is zapping me of energy.

I am quite excited, and sort of anxious, about going back to college. I'm not, however, looking forward to seeing the 110-pound college freshmen girls. I'm going to have to be sure and keep my mouth shut.

So I'm approaching birthday 34 and that makes me think of a few things: I'm not married; I don't have children; and I don't even have a person in mind that I am remotely interested in being in a relationship with. Do I feel like an emotional failure? Hell to the yeah!!! I know things in my life have caused me to be in this position, but this crap is getting old. I just want to fall in love. I'm not even living in any kind of fantasy world where I think the "perfect" man is out there for me. That ship has sailed. Lord, please send me a man who I can tolerate who doesn't lie to me, won't cheat on me and who doesn't watch porn. Is that too much to ask? I don't think so.

I'm pretty discouraged with the man situation. I encounter men who are friggin assholes on daily basis, and it is totally discouraging!!!! Totally!!
I'm absolutely flabbergasted at what men do and say when it comes to women. I mean I had a guy come to my house, pull out his dingaling and actually think that he was getting some action. He was a completely platonic friend. Never, at any time did I give him the idea that that would ever happen. EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did I mention that he was married? Yeah, now one could understand the reason for my anxiety when it comes to men. That case is just one example of the requests I've been asked by men, both married and single. I could write a book.

Enough stressing about stupid idiots.

I've got house cleaning to do.


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Here I go again

So it seems that they make this blogging thing easy enough for anyone to participate. Thank God. I'm not really down for doing anything that will tax my brain anymore than necessary. I'm a week away from my big return to college where I plan to become a medical coder. Fascinating, I know. But I've been studying a lot of medical terms and learning about the body and its functions. My brain is officially full.

Enough of that. How about that Michael Phelps? Yum! The young fella is on the cover of Sports Illustrated looking especially . . . naked. I'm sure he's not, but I'd like to imagine him that way. As yummy as he looks, I have to remind myself that he is only 23 years old; I didn't like 23-year-old guys when I was 23. Now that I'm 10 years his senior, I'll have to settle for a giant poster of the SI cover for the inside of my bedroom closet door.

A recent conversation with my friend Laura - you'll hear a lot about her; she's my friend, counselor, Sex and the City co-fanatic, and dicked-over-by-guys partner - made me think about the many differences between men and women, which did nothing but piss me off. I mean, I like to think that I'm pretty sharp. I'm no Harvard graduate or art expert, but I can carry on an intelligent conversation with anyone. But I've found that men don't really want much conversation when it comes to a partner. Instead, it seems that men want a woman who isn't very smart and walks a couple steps behind. Oh, and she has to be ready for sex at the drop of a hat.

I recently had several conversations with a man who was actually in my preferred age range; he was well-spoken, appreciated the fact that I could discuss current events and whatnot. It soon became known that the guy couldn't be with a woman unless she was about 5'3" and weighed 110 pounds. I knew then and there that I had no interest in man who was so caught up in appearance. I mean, I looked past the fact that he seemed awfully feminine. I deleted him from my phone.

Laura and I have spent countless hours talking about how soooooooo many men in our lives suck and how we've been done wrong. I have to admit, though, Laura has be crapped on in more shocking ways than I have. Laura and I totally love watching Sex and the City because we see ourselves in those characters. OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!! We totally watch those episodes over and over and it's like watching them for the first time. The episode where Carrie gets broken up with via a Post-It note holds a special place in my heart because I was broken up with in a similar way. However, the tool used in my case was a dry-erase board. I still cry when I watch that episode. God bless Carrie Bradshaw! (Just kidding. I know she is not real. I still love the show.)

I could write all night, but I must commence to watching Big Brother (not sure the season).


Monday, August 18, 2008

My first time . . .

So this is my first time blogging. It is pretty exciting. My friend Laura thinks this is the perfect place for a big mouth like me. I have to admit that she has a good point. I have an opinion on just about everything and I'm not afraid to share. Many folks in my life sometimes wish that I would keep some things to myself, but that wouldn't be me.

If you've happened upon my little blog, don't think that you've stumbled upon some great site where I'm going to discuss the state of politics or what I can do to be green. I care about that stuff, don't get me wrong. But my thoughts vary from day to day, so you never know what you might get. You can bet that whatever I have to say will be thought-provoking, funny or will leave you with your mouth open.

So if I can figure out how to post tomorrow, you never know what I might have to say.
