Thursday, October 2, 2008

Sigh . . .

I can take a deep breath . . . for about a day anyway.
I took two major tests today in anatomy and medical terminology. For once I actually feel good about both of them. I actually wanted to dance a jig in the middle of the anatomy test. As I took the test all I could think about was how amazed I was that I knew the answers. I was so surprised.
Now I'm all excited to find out my grade on Tuesday.

It feels good to just sit for a minute. I can't wait to go to bed tonight knowing that I won't be having a test tomorrow. I can't enjoy the relief for too long because I have to jump right back on the wagon and study for a quiz in medical terminology on Tuesday.

I'm also very excited that I joined a gym today. I'm hoping a regular workout will help me have more energy and to remove some of the fat off of my ass, and hips and just about everywhere else.

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