Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What is your purpose?

I thing God put everyone on Earth for a reason. We must be here for a good reason and not just to take up space, breathe some air, eat some food and scurry about.

Some people may live their entire lives without really knowing what that meaning is. I don't know if everyones purpose comes knocking at their front door. I think one must search for their meaning.

I think my meaning is helping children. I want to make sure children understand the importance of getting an education. It is heartbreaking to see children who have parents who don't make sure they go to school. It is a parent's job to look after their children, make sure they're doing their homework, really have a constant presence in their educational life, as well as all the other parts.

Being a child once, I know that running around and having a good time is the thing to do. But like other people I know, I wish I could take the knowledge I have now and start from the beginning. What a difference life's lessons would make.

Rather than wallowing in what can't be, I think I can help children of today. So my goal is to seek out those children and do my best to express the importance of education -- without sounding like an overbearing parent.

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