Monday, April 11, 2011

Douche is never the answer

Standing behind a 20-something girl at Walgreen's tonight, I had to cross my legs in order to stop myself from giving her some advice. Yeah, I had to cross my legs just to keep my mouth shut. I had to remind myself that everyone doesn't care to hear my opinion. Never mind the fact that she was buying douche, and I have been told by my ob-gyn that douching is not good for a woman's insides. Thus, no douche goes past this gushy-gushy. Know what I mean, Vern? I kept quite and let ol' girl buy her douche. All I could think about, after getting past not saying anything, was I wonder why she needs douche. Is her gushy-gushy dirty-dirty? Is she getting it ready for a visitor? Eeeewwwww...... Right? All this while waiting in line to buy some anti-aging facial cleanser. Not that I think that the anti-aging part of the cleanser is going to stop the appearance of aging on my face, but just in case. Kind of like this man I know who is an Atheist but got his children Baptized just in case (his words, not mine). I managed to exit Walgreen's with my goods and without blabbering on about anything douche-related. Fortunately, the check-out girl didn't ask me how my day was going. Had she, I'm sure I would have felt obligated to give her a little too much information about my day when all the while she probably couldn't care less. After all, she was just being polite. That's another problem I have - I give way too much information. I'm not sure where this obligation is rooted. Why can't I just keep my trap shut? I see a project on my horizon.

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