Friday, January 16, 2009

Please dumb it down to my level :-)

It is just before 11 p.m. on Friday night and I just finished putting in many hours on homework for my pathology class that I started this week. This class is hard, and it is going to be really challenging. Starting with the professor who is an MD who talks to the students like we know what she's talking about. I nearly lost feeling in my right hand taking notes in class Thursday night.

I'm contemplating shooting her an email and begging her to dumb down her lectures to a level that I will understand.

I'm giving my classes my all. I don't really have a choice, actually. I need to do well in them all so I can become a certified medical coder and hopefully get a good job. So failing is not an option.

So I'm doing my best in class, paying attention, trying my best to partake in class participation without sounding like a complete idiot, when I look over and see some of the pre-med students in the class who are not taking notes.

WHAT THE FUCK?????????????

I'm thinking, "It must be real nice to be sooooooooooooo smart that you don't have to take notes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

My eyes catch this Abercrombie & Fitch model-like guy in my class who is picking lint off his coat while not taking notes. I shit you not, I wanted to throw something at his pretty face.

God please help me!!

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