Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I love a good book

I read a really good book this weekend: "If I Am Missing Or Dead," by first-time author Janine Latus. The book was a true story about sisters who grew up living in a Catholic family with a father who only thought a woman's only value was her appearance. He was always commenting on whether the girls were fat or dumpy looking and about the size of their breasts. As if that wasn't bad enough, he would frequently kiss his daughters on their mouths, hug them in a molester-like way and basically making the girls dread being around their father.

The book was well-written, but it was very sad. It told the story of these women who grew up with a father who was worthless, and then moved on to be in relationships with men who were verbally, emotionally and physically abusive. One daughter grew up very overweight, while the author grew up obsessed with weight and ended up marrying a man who was obsessed about her weight. He would frequently force his wife to dress short of a prostitute in public all in an effort to make people stare and make him feel important.

The author was so lacking in self esteem that she would, and did, do anything to please the man. She did the same for the man in her previous relationship; she eventually left him after he beat the crap out of her during a ski vacation.

I found myself in a constant state of sadness and disgust as I read the book. Disgust at how these women stayed with men who were so abusive, and sad because of the ending. The author's sister would eventually be killed by her live-in boyfriend. Sadly, she knew this would happen. She had left a note taped to her desk at work informing those who cared for her that if she ever became missing or dead, her boyfriend would be the person to suspect.

HELLO: RED FLAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You don't need to be in a relationship with a person if you have to leave such a letter for your family and friends to find.

I feel better now that I've gotten that off my chest.

I can't wait until winter break so I can read a few more good books.

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