Monday, October 27, 2008

Where is that Candid Camera?

OK, so there are times when I see people and I wonder what the heck they were thinking when they left their house. I wonder if they own mirror. Some cases make me wonder if the Candid Camera show is filming in my town or something.

A recent trip to Walmart had me doing a double-take. I saw two females who appeared to be in their early 20's dressed in jeans that had to be painted on, and tank-top shirts that were just as tight. This would be tacky if the girls were size 2; they were more like size 22.

Let me just say that I am a big girl myself. However, I have enough sense to keep my bulges covered. I don't wear pants that are so tight that the cellulite on my legs show. GROSS.

I stood in line waiting to be checked out, all the while looking around to find out where the Candid Camera cameras could have been hidden.

I had no success.

The funniest part of the scene wasn't the audacity of the two females. Instead, I got a pretty good chuckle from the fact that they were in line to get giant pretzels.

I'm not against being fat; I am a good 60 pounds overweight myself. My goal for myself is to be healthy. In the meantime, I'll be covering by bulges. I know everybody isn't going to be a size 2. However, there is a such thing in covering your ass when you go out in public.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What is your purpose?

I thing God put everyone on Earth for a reason. We must be here for a good reason and not just to take up space, breathe some air, eat some food and scurry about.

Some people may live their entire lives without really knowing what that meaning is. I don't know if everyones purpose comes knocking at their front door. I think one must search for their meaning.

I think my meaning is helping children. I want to make sure children understand the importance of getting an education. It is heartbreaking to see children who have parents who don't make sure they go to school. It is a parent's job to look after their children, make sure they're doing their homework, really have a constant presence in their educational life, as well as all the other parts.

Being a child once, I know that running around and having a good time is the thing to do. But like other people I know, I wish I could take the knowledge I have now and start from the beginning. What a difference life's lessons would make.

Rather than wallowing in what can't be, I think I can help children of today. So my goal is to seek out those children and do my best to express the importance of education -- without sounding like an overbearing parent.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My body hurts

I don't think I've ever felt the type of physical pain that I do now. I finally dragged my big butt to the gym after months of not going, and after months of eating not-so-good food.

Going to the gym was not the bad part; taking direction from trainer Zack was the excruciating part. I'm pretty sure every part of my body is aching. From my thighs to my arms, shoulders, abs and parts of my back, my body is in some serious pain. The only encouraging thing about the workout was the fact that Zack was very nice to look at. Zack happens to be my sister's boyfriend. Man is she lucky because he is hot and so very nice, polite and well-spoken. Yummy. Like licking the bowl after making a batch of brownies.

I must go and stand in steaming-hot shower.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Another year has passed

I missed the Harvest Homecoming parade today. It is a tradition for me and my younger sister to walk hand-in-hand during New Albany's annual kick-off to the Harvest Homecoming festival. The parade isn't any big show or anything, but it's something that me and my sister did together. We especially loved the people-watching. Unfortunately, circumstances prevented us both from going to the parade. She insists that we'll go to the booth days, but it's just not the same.

I can't believe the hottest part of the summer is over and the fall is here. I guess the Harvest Homecoming has always been a mark that the seasons are changing, which is something I always enjoyed.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Sigh . . .

I can take a deep breath . . . for about a day anyway.
I took two major tests today in anatomy and medical terminology. For once I actually feel good about both of them. I actually wanted to dance a jig in the middle of the anatomy test. As I took the test all I could think about was how amazed I was that I knew the answers. I was so surprised.
Now I'm all excited to find out my grade on Tuesday.

It feels good to just sit for a minute. I can't wait to go to bed tonight knowing that I won't be having a test tomorrow. I can't enjoy the relief for too long because I have to jump right back on the wagon and study for a quiz in medical terminology on Tuesday.

I'm also very excited that I joined a gym today. I'm hoping a regular workout will help me have more energy and to remove some of the fat off of my ass, and hips and just about everywhere else.